About the Online Trust Coalition

On the initiative of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, the Online Trust Coalition has been formed, uniting organizations from government, business, and academia.

ECP | Platform for the Information Society is the co-founder of the OTC along with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate. ECP facilitates the collaboration among the various parties within the coalition and manages the secretariat.


The mission of the Online Trust Coalition is to achieve and maintain trust in the cloud.
Through public-private collaboration, we are working on a uniform, standardized, and harmonized approach, allowing providers to demonstrate reliability and enabling consumers to easily ascertain the presence of reliability.


We execute our mission by embedding Dutch solutions within the European policies regarding cloud and cybersecurity. Netherlands leverages its leadership in auditing, assurance, and accounting traditions as part of this endeavor. The OTC opts for a broad multi-stakeholder approach, encouraging coalition partners to actively engage with the action points and outcomes themselves. The OTC doesn’t position itself as a formal advisory body but aims to create breakthroughs through the practical application of solutions and the exchange of facts, figures, and substantive arguments with all relevant stakeholders in the Netherlands and the EU. The OTC also bears the responsibility of ensuring that Dutch initiatives remain aligned with developments within the EU.

Core team


Want to join the Online Trust Coalition?

Help shape methods for cloud service providers to demonstrate that their services are reliable, secure, and support the customer validation process.