Working Group

European Advisory Group

Strong within Europe in public-private partnership


Tom Vreeburg


The working group ensures coordination and harmonisation among Dutch parties working in Europe on the EUCS (European Union Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services). The working group helps shape a clear policy and message from the Netherlands, thus promoting Dutch interests in future EU policy. The working group is only accessible to parties that have a representative role within Europe in the area of the EUCS.

Parties involved:

Amazon, Agentschap Telecom (Radiocommunications Agency Netherlands), ECP (Electronic Commerce Platform), EZK (Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy), Philips, RDW (Netherlands Vehicle Authority), Zeker-OnLine


A PoC – Proof of Concept – was carried out for the EUCS. This PoC was conducted by Secura, Agentschap Telecom (a conformity assessment body) and two quality label holders from Zeker-OnLineThe goal of this PoC was to assess the practical feasibility of the scheme. The PoC has been registered with ENISA and the results will be reported to the ad hoc working group that developed the scheme. The PoC report has been shared with the members of the OTC.


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