Questions & Answers

About the OTC

  • The OTC contributes, in the public-private setting, towards the formation and implementation of Dutch policy within organisations in the area of cloud and online services in Europe.
  • For the other principles, we refer you to a different page of this website. More information

The Online Trust Coalition is a coalition of organisations from government, business and science.

The mission of the Online Trust Coalition is to bring about, through collaboration between public and private entities, the harmonisation and uniformity necessary to achieve the goals and to anchor the ‘Dutch’ solutions, which result from a multi-stakeholder approach, in European policy.

The goal of the OTC is to provide a simple, efficient method through which cloud service providers can show that their services are reliable and secure. And, a method that helps with the implementation of the relevant legislation and regulations. More information

Join the OTC

Participation in the OTC is not free from obligation.

The OTC is open to any party active in the Netherlands. In principle, working groups and meetings in which the interests of the Netherlands are the main focus, are accessible to any organisation with a Dutch parent company.

The OTC is permanently open to experts and stakeholders who wish to contribute towards the ambitions and the objectives of the OTC.

Participants must fulfil a number of criteria. These can be found in the document that you can download here.

Participants in the OTC include cloud services providers, branch organisations from ICT and security, European partners, the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, the education sector, the science sector, regulators, auditors, and providers of relevant quality labels, certificates and codes of conduct.

We have set out certain principles which you must endorse if you wish to become a participant. These can be found in this document.  

You can register to become a participant by sending an e-mail to: After receiving your e-mail, we will contact you as soon as possible.

Sign up and stay informed of news, publications and meetings about the Online Trust Coalition.

Want to join the Online Trust Coalition?

Help shape methods for cloud service providers to demonstrate that their services are reliable, secure, and support the customer validation process.