Webinar: The OTC and the role of the auditor

This webinar, led by Tom Vreeburg (OTC), took place on Wednesday 10 November. In the webinar, Tom talked to Irene Vettewinkel (NOREA, Netherlands Association of Registered EDP Auditors), Ruud Kerssens (Agentschap Telecom, Radiocommunications Agency Netherlands), Peter Verkoulen (Gaia-X Hub Netherlands) and Kees Verhoeven (former Dutch MP) about security and reliability in the cloud.

During this webinar, the role of the auditor was explored in detail, as well as the societal relevance of the profession, including with regard to cloud services. There was also discussion of recent developments, both within the Netherlands and EU-wide.

Here, you can watch the webinar: The OTC and the role of the auditor.

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