Cloud Certificeringen

Politico Pro Cyber Insight Europe, heeft in juli aandacht besteed aan het INL-rapport vanuit de OTC over de impact van het EUCS op de maatschappij.

In hun Politico Pro Cyber Insight Europe nieuwsbulletin van juli is het volgende opgenomen:

DUTCH REVIEW: The Online Trust Coalition — an initiative of the Dutch Ministry of Economy and Climate Policy and the public-private partnership project Partnering Trust — has released a report signaling the impact that the EU’s proposed Cloud Certification Scheme (EUCS) would have on businesses if the local data provisions are kept.

According to the report, the overall expectation is that the impact of so-called data-sovereignty requirements will be high both to individual users and providers, which will be confronted “with migration costs, price increases and in some cases even discontinuity of their enterprise.”
“A detailed forecast is difficult to achieve though due to a lack of detailed insights into
the relation between PUA/INL-criteria [data sovereignty], other regulations and market response,” it reads. “It is clear, however, that both the cloud market and individual enterprises are currently not able to absorb the impact.”

Assess, assess, assess: The organization recommends an EU-wide assessment of the impact of data sovereignty requirements on both the cloud market and individual enterprises, and detaching the implementation of data sovereignty from the finalization of the EUCS scheme, “in order to allow sufficient time for the market to prepare and no longer delay implementation of the EUCS.”
Word on the street is the Commission will actually be doing an impact assessment. No details on the method and timeline yet, though there’s expected to be a new draft of the EUCS in September in parallel with an implementation act.

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